Friday, December 2, 2016


Sparkle time for Vanessa!

What a cutie! She is definitely a contender for heir.

Good evening, Cassius?

Cassius: It's evening?! I just woke up!

Nothing else really happen before Christian's birthday.

Christian: I'm too tired to have a birthday.

Don't worry, the bottom bunk in the boy's room is waiting for you.

Christian is quickly turning into a Cassius clone.

Christian: I'm a clone of my dad? Does that mean you will confuse us all the time?

Vanessa: Dada!

Cassius: You look so much like your Grandma.

Christian finally found his bed.

Christian: Sweet, sweet sleep.

I went to check on the other members of the family and found Sabrina falling on her face.

After falling multiple times, Sabrina decided to give archery another try.

And I have to admit, she's gotten pretty good at it.

Aidan decided it was time to teach Vanessa the important things in life.

Aidan: Today we are going to talk about Hamlet.

Uh, don't you think she is a little young?

Christian awoke from his long slumber and decided it would be a good idea to go swinging in his jammies.

Christian: I want to watch the sunrise!

Looks like Christian is going to have to wait awhile for the sunrise. Elias just got home from school!

Did you know that Sims could practice archery while fatigued?

Aidan: Your first steps! I'm so proud of you!

Vanessa: Walking is fun!

Looks like Christian did get to see the sunrise and Elias joined him after homework.

Elias: I'm an eagle!

Christian: I'm a plane!

Aidan: Okay, Vanessa. Now you need to learn how to potty like a big girl!

Vanessa: Why do I want to learn that?

Cassius: I love you, Mom.

April: I love you too son.

April: Just stretch it out! That's it!

April: I think I stretched too far.

Elias: Grandma is crazy.

You're telling me.

Christian, there are seven chairs you could have used.

Christian: I prefer the floor.

Synchronized getting into the freezy pod thingy! (Try saying that five times fast.)

I have enough pods for the entire family, including Vanessa once she grows up. Speaking of, where is she?

Oh dear.

After waking up from her nap, Vanessa was a very happy baby.

Vanessa: I'm becoming a big girl!

Vanessa looks so much like April it's scary.

Nooo! It's too soon!

April: I feel weird.

You don't say.

April greeted Death like an old friend and went willingly.

Aidan: April!

Aidan: No! Don't take my April! Take me instead!

I will leave you all with a mysterious picture of the Greenwoods on a very green field.

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