Saturday, December 10, 2016


Sadly, this chapter must start with a death. Farwell Aidan, you were a great grandpa.

Random sim: I can't believe that Aidan Greenwood is dead!
Who are you?
Aidan: Please let me go back! I have to make sure my grandchildren grow up okay!
Grim: I don't think so, honey.
And the gnome collection has started.
Elias: This was not my doing!
I can't believe Elias is already becoming a teen!
Elias: I wonder what to wish for?
Random Girl: Yay! Birthday!
Elias: Hello sparkles, my old friends.
I'd say he turned out pretty well, but long hair? Seriously?
Elias: Hey, chicks dig long hair.
If you say so.
Cassius, are you even aware that your firstborn child grew up?
Cassius: I'm avoiding the hormones.
He's been a teenage for an hour.
Vanessa: Fear me, peasants!
Elias: Maybe this crystal ball will tell me how to take down Vanessa.
Christian is turning into quite the bookworm.
Christian: The TV is broken.
Christian: I can't believe Grandpa's dead!
Christian: I love fall!
I see Aidan's death hasn't had any lasting effect on the children.
I have a feeling this is going to be a common occurrence.
Cassius: Happy birthday to me!
Cassius: I wasn't prepared for this!
Cassius: I look hot!
Why does he have new hair? He's not supposed to have new hair!
I decided to give him newer new hair. It suits him.
Sabrina: I hope I get new hair!
Be careful what you wish for...
Sabrina: Sparkles feel weird!
And the teaching begins. Hopefully they don't crash.
Don't they have computers in the underworld?
April: No wifi.
Good job. Now fix it.
Elias: I don't wanna!
Sim logic: mops up water when there's a broken sink.
Now he fixes the sink. Smart.
Vanessa: I forgot what I was going to do.
She really takes after April.
Bonehilda: Tell me I'm pretty.
Christian: Stupid leaves. Stupid fall.
Wow, where did that spirit go?
Christian: It got raked up with the leaves.
Elias is the official handyman until he moves out.
Cassius is painting as usual.
Elias: Woo!
There's that fall spirit.
Cassius: Burn, baby, burn. Disco inferno! Yeah, yeah!
I think we've long passed the point of no return.
Vanessa! Get some clothes on!
Vanessa: I do have clothes on.
Go change.
Vanessa: I have to go to school.
I guess the various Greenwoods playing video games outro is going to be an every chapter thing. Goodbye!

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