Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Hello and welcome to the chapter. We start off with a very moody toddler.

Christian: Look! There's a another baby that looks like me!
Should we tell him?
I must say, the playpen and walker are lifesavers when you have a bunch of toddlers and no family oriented sims.
Christian: Buttons!
Well, at least Elias is happy for once.
Oh, it was just Elias's birthday. He gained the Virtuoso trait.
Children are so cute when they are asleep.
Baby number three is the on the way!
Sabrina: My tummy is so tiny.
The Greenwood's finally got their wish. Baby number three is a girl!
Christian: What's that green thing hovering over me?
That, my dear, is a plumbobb. It means I own you.
Christian: You are creepy.
How is that invisible food taste?
Elias: Tastes great!
That's not how you wash dishes, Eli.
Aidan: *tickle tickle tickle*
Aidan is officially the greatest grandpa ever.
Christian: Gwanpa? Why is Gramma so crazy?
Aidan: I don't know, kiddo. She just is.
Cassius: Isn't this rain crazy?
April: Yes, yes. How did you graduate again?
Cassius: Stupid tub. Stupid family for breaking the tub.
Maybe we should just leave Cassi alone for now.
Cassius: Don't call me Cassi!
Elias: What's four times fish?
Cassius: Bath time for Christian!
Christian: Bubbles!
Elias: Daddy washes dirty baby butts!
Aidan: OMG!
Elias: But when the new baby comes, Daddy will have to wash a lot more baby butts.
Aidan: True.
Elias: I love you, Grandpa.
Aidan: I love you too.
I don't even know what's going on here. I think it's potty training?
Cassius: This kid stinks.
You can remedy that.
It was morning before Cassius got to bed.
Cassius: Sleep at last!
Gettin' big!
Must you do this every time you're pregnant?
Sabrina: It makes sure the baby comes on time.
Yeah, that's real good for the baby.
Sabrina: I know this feeling!
Baby time!
Introducing Vanessa Greenwood! (I forgot her traits...)
Sabrina: She certainly is a hungry baby.

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