Thursday, December 8, 2016


Hello and welcome to the chapter! Last time, I left you all on a bit of a cliffhanger. Well hang no more! I will finally reveal the big secret.

The Greenwoods.....moved! Yep, this is their new house. No, I didn't build it. It's a premade dorm from Sims University.

The Greenwoods have also moved to a new town. They moved to beautiful Aurora Skies! This is the view from the roof.

Wait, where did the creepy dolls come from?

Vanessa: Mother was one of those creepy dolls once.


The remainder of the family decided to play video games.

Sabrina: Move out of the way old man!

Aidan: You get out of my way!

Cassius: Hehe. I hit the cones.

Sabrina finally mastered cooking. She decided to make salmon for dinner.

Aaaand she burnt it. Good job.

Sabrina: Like you could do better.


Nerd alert.

Aidan: We're the nerds? Who is playing a video game that lets you control imaginary people?

They're becoming self aware! Abort mission!

Aidan finally retired!

Vanessa: I summon you, spirits of the underworld!

Uh, I think it's time to leave.

Aidan: Eureka! I just discovered how to prevent aging!


Aidan: No.

Sabrina: Ouch! I burnt my finger!

Aidan: I can see clearly now the ball is clear.

I don't think those are the lyrics.

Aidan: The crystal ball told me to brew this potion.

Sabrina is really trying to master athletics before she is an old lady.

Sabrina: I'm going to become a full adult, not an elder.

That's old in my book.

Oh come on! There are even more chairs available this time!

Elias: I still prefer the floor.

What have you been doing?

Christian: Surviving torture.


Christian: School.


Aidan: Hop, skip, and jump.

Moving on.

Doing some haunting tonight?

April: Yep.

Fall has come and that means the entire family will be slaving away raking up the lawn.

April: Sabrina won't give up her chair!

There's a chair right there.

April: But that chair sucks!

Poor Aidan, sleeping alone in a tiny bed.

Did you really have to paint while your father is trying to sleep?

Cassius: Inspiration waits for no man!

Cassius made it up to Aidan by giving him a message.

The kids are off trick or treating! Elias decided to go the historical route with a gladiator costume.

Christian is a....hotdog.

Christian: Jealous?

Vanessa: Rwar!


Elias: Yes! Give me candy!

Random fairy: Here ya go kid.

Christian: Move it you little-

Okay! Goodbye everyone!

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