Monday, December 26, 2016


I know I mention this almost every chapter, but it really bugs me when they don't use the chairs!

Vanessa: Get over it.

Vanessa: Anyways, welcome to the chapter folks!

Elias: Time for me to get out of this nuthouse!

Elias: Wait, I'm not ready to live on my own!

Too late.

Of all of the hair styles, he had to get this one?

Elias: I am rocking this hair and you know it.

Vanessa: No one ever does the bloody laundry in this house.

That's your job.

Vanessa: Doing the laundry?

Practicing for when you have children.

Vanessa: Oh great.

You're getting pretty good at this.

Vanessa: Shut up.

Ew! That was bad, Cassius!

Cassius: It's not like I can die again.

I'm assuming you came to eat up all of the food?

Cassius: Yep.

Vanessa: Stupid ice cream machine. Stupid ghost father.

I think we should leave her alone for a bit.

Do I detect some muscles under that shirt?

Christian: How can you tell? Most of my body is covered.

Meanwhile, Sabrina is climbing up the ranks of Sim Fu.

Sabrina: Do you mind? I am trying to concentrate!

So many moody sims today.

Shouldn't you shower and then go look at your abs in the mirror after working out?

Christian: I'm not most sims.

By the way, I added a pool to the backyard! It's the Chinese pool blueprint. I cannot build anything, let alone a pool.

There are a lot of leaves leftover from fall, so the spare is raking them up before he ages up.

Christian: I have a name you know!

Vanessa cheered up and decided to show off her cute bikini!

Vanessa: I actually went swimming.

Christian raked all day and into the night, but made little progress.

So I sent in some reinforcements.

Two sims definitely spend up the process, but they did end up spending the entire weekend doing this when they could have been working on skills.

But they did find time for one final dip in the pool before school started for the week. Oh, and apparently ghost can walk on water.

Aidan: I am floating, not walking.

But floating is your version of walking. Therefore, you are walking on water.

The way she is standing looks so uncomfortable.

Sabrina: Comfort is for the weak!

Hey! I see some abs!

Christian: They look good, right?

Friday, December 23, 2016


Vanessa: Hello there! Welcome to the chapter!
Would it have killed you to face the camera?
Vanessa: No, I just didn't feel like it.
Elias: Ring around the rosy, pockets full of posies!
I don't even want to know.
Sabrina: Okay, guys. First we get into the castle, then we steal the gold.
Sabrina: Look Ma! No gravity!
More like no physics.
Sabrina: One of the kids put a whoopee cushion on my chair!
Sabrina: Who done it?!
Christian: What's the square root of fish?
First zombie of the night.
Zombie: Braaaaainz
Cassius came to protect his family.
Cassius: I just came for food.
You're a ghost. You don't need food.
Cassius: Oh, so you're a ghost expert now?
Vanessa: Ew, ghosts.
Did you really have to wake her up? She has school tomorrow!
Cassius: I'm a ghost. It's my join to disturb the living.
Really, Aidan, really?
Aidan: Really really.
I love it when the kids do homework together.
Christian is the only child who ever uses the gym.
Christian: And regretting every minute of it!
Vanessa: I use the gym too.
But not for working out.
Vanessa: No, but I am in the room.
That doesn't count.
Elias is once again torturing his family-er, making music.
Prom night! Elias cleans up pretty well.
Elias: I'm sexy and I know it.

Christian looks so cute!
Christian: I was going for charming, not cute!
Vanessa went in a flashy dress,
Vanessa: You made me wear this.
This is the first night she has ever been alone and what does she do? She plays video games.
Sabrina eventually got bored and messed with the cauldron instead.
Why does she look so demonic doing this?
Sabrina: Be afraid, be very afraid.
Sabrina: Man, I am beat.
Apparently Sabrina was summoning the dead. Cassius showed up in the middle of her episode.
The workout room is the unofficial gathering place of the family.
Wait, where's Elias?
Oh, he just watching TV all alone.

See, exercise isn't that bad!
Good night, folks! Don't forget to comment and like below!

Monday, December 19, 2016


The level of detail they put into Seasons never ceases to amaze me.

Sabrina: Ouch! The thingie hit my nose!

Why aren't you in athletic clothes?

The rest of the family decided to try out the new ice skating their pajamas?

Cassius: I'M not in my pjs.

True, but you still aren't wearing any outerwear.

Seriously, aren't you cold?

Cassius: Naw.

Don't you naw me! Put some clothes on!

See, I told you so!

Kids! Go save your father!

Christian: Can't you see that we're busy?

A crying sim can only mean one thing. RIP Cassius.

Elias: Why didn't we listen??

And with that, we say goodbye to our founder.

Elias: Why didn't I save my dad?!

I warned you.

Elias is not having a good day. First his dad dies in front of him and then he pees himself.

Elias: Nothing to see here folks! Just move on!

Christian: I can't believe Dad's gone!

Vanessa: I wish one of us had thawed him.

Christian: But we can't dwell on the past. We must move on.

Vanessa: You're right. But I miss him.

Christian: So do I.

Sabrina: I'm going to become a ninja and ninjas never die!

We'll see about that.

Sabrina had a bit of a rocky start to her ninja training.

Sabrina: This might be a bit problematic.

You think?

Well, Sabrina is certainly making progress. She already earned two belts!

Elias: O Crystal Ball, tell us how to bring back our father!

Christian: Yes, please!

I don't think it works that way, boys.

Elias: No! This is terrible!

Christian: What is it??

Elias: Your fate is terrible!

With only one parent left, the kids are pitching in around the house.

Vanessa: My brothers are slobs.

Honey, call boys are slobs.

Vanessa: Why did Dad have to die?

Once more with the level of detail, Wow!

The graveyard is slowly growing. Well, that's all for today. Wow, that was a terrible place to end.

Side note: I am now on Christmas break, so expect chapters to come out a lot sooner. I might even release the next one tonight, but probably not. Goodbye everybody!