Saturday, November 19, 2016



Hello! And welcome to this chapter! Sabrina gets to open this chapter. Say hello Sabrina!
Sabrina: *focuses on guitar*
Birthday time for Elias! I wonder who he'll look like?
What a cutie! I'm really happy that we got April's hair so early in the generation.
Aidan got started on talking right away.
Aidan: Say "Papa"
Elias: Dada!
Aidan: Close enough
I never understood why they run so far. She ran by three bathrooms on the way.
Cassius finally got to spend time with his son.
Cassius: Tickle tickle!
Elias: *giggles*

My, what an...interesting choice in athletic wear.
Looks like Sabrina's workout got interrupted. Baby number two is on the way!

Walking's done.

Potty training down too! That's it for toddler skills.

Are you sure you should be doing that?

Sabrina: I'll be fiiine.

Well, we do have a potential heir. I guess it wouldn't really matter if you die.

Sabrina: Hey!

Please don't kill someone. Just, please.

Oh yeah, shoot two arrows. What a greaaat idea.

After Sabrina was done trying to kill people, she had Aidan figure out the gender for number two. It's another boy!

April: Derf, I forgot how to adult

I think you forgot a whole lot more than how to adult.

I just love Eli's flame jammies.

Yeah, that's an appropriate dance for a granny.

But I gotta admit, this granny has got some moves.

Cassius and Sabrina decided to neglect their child for alone time in the pool.

Sabrina: Ha! Gotcha!

Cassius: Hey! That's not nice!

Are we just going to ignore the fact that Elias is eating his toys?

Sabrina: I hope my pie doesn't burn.

I'm more concerned by the fact that you are cooking in your bathing suit.

April: Ahhh....It's nice to relax once in awhile.

You are retired and your husband takes care of your grandchild. All you do is relax!

Elias: I'm hiding. You can't see me!

Now Sabrina actually has a right to relax. She's the one having the babies.

Cassius: Yeah, that's right. You can't touch this.

April decided to join her son. Aidan is a party pooper.

Aidan: Hey, someone has to care for Elias.

I forgot to get a picture of her in labor. Anyways, introducing Christian Greenwood!

I really really love his combination of Aidan/Cassius's hair and Sabrina's green eyes. He's definitely a contender for heir.

Elias: FEED ME!!

Where the heck is Aidan?

Sabrina! Put down your new child and feed your oldest!

Sabrina: Just after I change Christy.

Yeah, we are NOT calling him Christy.

Finally! It really is a wonder that they haven't lost the children yet.

I don't even know what those two are doing anymore.

Sabrina: I think that pie was bad.

Honey, I don't think it was the pie.

I will leave you all with a cute picture of Cassius and Sabrina cuddling in bed. Chapter 3 coming soon!

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